Have I mentioned that HH spoils me? He's a doll and most of the time I don't think I deserve him.
He gave me a bee-yoo-tee-full bicycle last September and we did a spinning class together. It was great fun , but I didn't ride during the holidays when I went on vacation to see Dad, and then let life get in the way of exercise. Well, I just started another spin class and I'm really having fun. Hopefully this can take the place of running since I don't think I'll be able to run marathon distances anymore.
I'm considering doing some long rides this year. I know for sure that I want to do a metric century (100 km or 66 miles), and I'm considering doing a regular century (100 miles in 1 day). I don't know what draws me to these endurance events, maybe since I know I'll never be fast I might as well be out there longer than most everyone else? We'll see.
If you see someone out riding and they have a knitting bag with them, It's probably me!
Slowly (on wheels)